Professor Govind Chakrapani
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Govind Chakrapani (B1963) obtained his school and college education from Berhampur (Ganjam) and completed M.Sc. in Applied Geology from IITB, Mumbai, M.Phil, Research Intern (USA) and PhD from the School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, New Delhi. After post-doctoral research in USA and working as CSIR Pool Officer at JNU-IITB, he joined University of Roorkee/IIT Roorkee as Assistant Professor in 1996, became full Professor in 2008, and senior Professor (HAG) in 2017. He worked as a faculty and researcher in Universities in USA, France, Germany, Taiwan, Sweden, China and visited several countries related to conferences, academics and research work. He taught numerous subjects to undergraduate, post-graduate and research students and worked extensively on various researches related to Earth processes, handled several national and international projects and consultancies, supervised 14 PhD theses, 49 M.Sc/M.Tech. Dissertations, published 75+ research papers in reputed journals; with an h-index of 25+ and citations of 2000+. In recognition of his research, he was conferred the National Mineral (Geosciences) Award, Government of India and has been an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (FNASc). He is involved with several committees of the Government of India, selection committees of universities and organizations, institute administration, council members of external institutes, examiner of theses and reviewer of publications in journals etc. He was the organizing chairman of Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (IITs and IISc) on behalf of MHRD, Chairman of Joint Admissions for MSc (IITs and IISc), Associate Dean (Students Welfare), chief advisor and associated with several students, research andacademicadministration He was also Dean, officiating Finance Officer, Director, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan at Nalanda University, Rajgir (Ministry of External Affairs). He served as Chairman of Environmental Assessment Committee, member of committees of MoEF&CC, CSIR and SERB-DST etc.He successfully completed the Leadership for Academicians Program (LEAP) of MHRD at IITB and NTU Singapore. He is a family man, sports enthusiast, appreciates nature and loves to take care of animals and plants.
“It is a great honour and privilege for me to serve Berhampur University as its Vice-Chancellor. I shall work with utmost sincerity, dedication, honesty, transparency and accountability. I would also expect the same from all my colleagues at the university. The four pillars of our university include, students (present and past), faculty, staff, and the Government(Hon’ble Chancellor’s Office, Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha; UGC-MHRD, Government of India). As VC, I shall be the connect between allthe four for an excellent academic and research ecosystem in the university campus and in all affiliated colleges of the university. I also have my own vision and road map for our university to be among the leading academic and research hubs in India and abroad. We shall work as a team and focus on a positive education,new pedagogy and learning ecosystem, improve placement opportunity for students, infrastructure development, a healthy mind and body, make better alumni outreach programs, create new and relevant departments/centres of education, improve research output, generate funds, and work for the welfare of staff and faculty etc. We must also strive to improve our NAAC score and NIRF rankings and work for quality education in tune with the motto of our university, “Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya” (i.e. “from darkness to light may I go/ignorance to wisdom may I move”). We must understand our responsibility to the nation and humanity and make a positive impact for the betterment of lives of our immediate neighbourhood as per the vision and mission of our university. On behalf of the university community, I take this opportunity to welcome all stake holders and well wishers of the university to visit the beautiful campus with family and contribute to its intellectual growth in every possible way. It is a great opportunity for me to serve my state and nation in the present position, and assure my best services to achieve our goals under the able and eminent guidance of Hon’ble Chancellor”.
Contact Details:
Berhampur University -760 007(Odisha) India
Tel: 91-680-2343322
Fax: 91-680-2343633